Stand By (2017 – 2019)
En la obra de Harold López la juventud es protagonista. Su discurso la enmarca como generación de imposturas y desafíos. Sumidos en silencios, retan al tiempo, lo consumen malsanamente en un acto de espera constante. Sus miradas son atraídas fuera del cuadro de forma tal que no es posible advertir hacia donde se dirigen, cual es la meta o el futuro. Así dialogan con el tiempo: condenan y sacrifican el presente en pos de un futuro advenedizo, inimaginable, desfachatado. Por otra parte, sus rasgos de humanidad se fundan en un ingente descomprometimiento político, cuasi ascetismo. Esta generación se define a la espera, la inercia que inocula en el cuerpo y el alma la desesperante espera.
In Harold López’s work youth is the protagonist. His speech frames it as a generation of impostures and challenges. Sunken in silences, they challenge time; they unhealthily consume it in an act of constant wait. His looks are attracted out of the picture in a way that it is not possible to notice where they head to, which is the goal or the future. That is how they dialogue with time: they condemn and sacrifice the present in favor of an upstart, unimaginable, impudent future. On the other hand, his traits of humanity are based on an enormous political lack of commitment, quasi-asceticism. This indifference is, in essence, an attitude of collision before official speeches loaded with inoperative political fraud, megalomanias and grandiloquence. This generation defines itself by waiting: inertia inoculated in the body and the soul of the infuriating wait.